There has been a growing amount of research in recent years attempting
to clarify the connections between problem gambling and suicide. Studies
investigating suicidality in gambling-treatment populations establish
strong links, and there is evidence that an alcohol problem (typically
co-morbid with gambling disorders) significantly increases the risk. It
is important to evaluate which clients are most at risk, which necessitates
considering problem gambling and suicide statistics.
There is also the question of what constitutes best practice, not just
for problem gambling services, but also for the many other agencies that
are seeing growing numbers of problem gamblers. The importance of addressing
this issue directly is discussed in this chapter, along with a relevant
case example.
Finally, consideration is given to the fortunately not common situation
in which a client does complete suicide while in contact with a service,
and the impact that this can have for counsellors and services.
Until recently, suicide trends in New Zealand had shown an upward tendency
overall, with an increase of 72% for the male suicide rate from 1978 to
1998 (Ministry of Health, 2003a). However, in 2000, the total volume of
suicides was down to 458, which was the lowest rate since 1985, with the
female rate registering the least numbers since 1961 (Ministry of Health,
2003a). Despite these statistical improvements, New Zealand has the fourth
highest male suicide rate in the world, and ranks second for males 15-24
years of age. Maori deaths by suicide have remained stable over the same
time period; this ethnic group is over-represented, numbering approximately
18% of New Zealand suicides. The most common method of suicide for both
males and females is hanging, with this accounting for over 40% of the
suicides in 1997 (New Zealand Health Information Services, 2001).
The statistics for suicide attempts or intentional self-harm indicate
that this is a different group from those who complete suicide. The most
recent hospitalisation figures for intentional self-harm are for 2000/2001,
in which there were 5,168 presentations at New Zealand hospitals (Ministry
of Health, 2003a). The females to male ratio for intentional self-harm
in the same time period was 1.8 female hospitalisations to every male
one. It is important to note that there are no accurate data on suicide
attempts, because records are only kept on those who are admitted to hospital
or seen as day patients for longer than three hours. It is also not possible
to compare the most recent data with numbers from previous years, since
the definition of self-harm has been extended to incorporate cases not
previously included.
There are several types of research relevant for understanding the connections
between problem gambling and suicide, such as population studies, social
impact assessments, research with clients undergoing treatment, and analysis
of individual gambling-related suicides. A selection of these studies
is examined here.
The Australian Productivity Commission (1999), in their report on the
nation's gambling industries, attempted to estimate Australian gambling-related
suicides. They investigated case studies of individual gamblers and surveys
of problem gamblers, both in treatment and those identified in general
population studies. They felt it was probable that a proportion of problem-gambler
suicides reflect wider problems and may have occurred anyway, but equally
many suicides may be misdiagnosed as car accidents, drowning, or other
forms of death. The Commission used epidemiological evidence to suggest
a figure of around 400 deaths per year, but acknowledged that this was
probably an over-estimation and that the true total was probably between
40 and 400 deaths per annum. Their conclusion was that there is little
doubt that suicides are linked to gambling.
Studies investigating suicidality in treatment populations establish
strong links, as would be expected. New Zealand research by Sullivan (1994a)
found that over 80% of problem gamblers reported suicidal ideation and
saw death as a solution to their problems. These statistics were collected
during the first 12 months of operation of a gambling problem hotline.
While it might be expected that a new, potentially anonymous service may
attract those with the most serious difficulties, the data highlight the
way in which those with serious gambling problems identify suicide as
a solution. Brown (1994) reports that 59% of clients presenting for gambling
treatment had experienced some measure of suicidal thought. He comments
that this figure does not include the unknown numbers of potential clients
who completed suicide.
While numerous studies have investigated completed suicides, it would
appear that gambling generally has not been considered as an issue by
these researchers. There are reported cases in the suicide literature
for which gambling may well have been the precipitator, or part of the
problem, and yet this is not recognised by the investigators. Highlighting
this are two case examples offered by Bongar (1996), in which suicide
followed within one week of contact with a teaching hospital's emergency
mental health service. Both victims were males, aged 50-60 years, with
major depressive episodes. Each of them had supportive families, but felt
that they were inadequately providing for their households. Neither admitted
continued suicidal thoughts but, in both these cases, shame and humiliation
appeared to be the catalytic motivation for suicide. Their presentation
at the emergency mental health services would have been an ideal opportunity
to screen for problem gambling, given that there were several indicators
of problem gambling (ie depression, financial problems and shame). These
cases typify presentations to problem gambling counselling services and
they raise the issue of how often problem gambling may be overlooked in
a client presentation to mental health services.
A further way of approaching and understanding the link between gambling
and suicide is to conduct a psychological autopsy. Blaszczynski and Farrell
(1998) undertook an analysis of completed gambling-related suicides and
found that almost a third had previously attempted suicide, and one in
four had sought mental health assistance for their gambling problem. Other
factors identified in the records included co-morbid depression, large
financial debts and relationship difficulties. This descriptive study
highlights the overlap between gambling and psychiatric disorders, as
well as other life problems and suicide. It may also suggest that there
is an important link between problem gambling and serious suicide attempts.
Overall, the literature appears to report a strong association between
rates of suicidal thoughts, self-harm attempts and problem gambling. An
early study by Moran (1969) of 162 members of Gamblers Anonymous showed
that 20% of subjects reported having attempted suicide and 77% disclosed
suicidal ideation. While again this highlights the serious end of the
problem gambling spectrum, it contributes to a growing body of evidence
in respect of the association between gambling and suicide. The Australian
Productivity Commission (1999), in tabling evidence from the literature
on suicide thoughts and attempts among problem gamblers, reports figures
of between 4-31% attempted suicide, and 17-80% with suicidal ideation.
While the exact role of alcohol in suicide is also unclear, a strong association
certainly exists. Welte, Abel, and Wieczorek (1988) and Berkelman and
colleagues (1985) report that between 18% and 66% of suicide victims have
alcohol in their blood at the time of death. A clear connection also exists
between alcohol and gambling problems, with a literature review documenting
that the rates of lifetime substance abuse disorders among pathological
gamblers range from 25-63% (Crockford & el-Guebaly, 1998b). A New
Zealand study investigating rates of problem gamblers presenting to alcohol
and drug services determined that 11% of clients surveyed were probable
pathological gamblers and 18% of them (inclusive of probable pathological
gamblers) had some gambling problem (MacKinnon & Paton-Simpson, 1999).
Of significant concern and interest is a study by Ciarrocchi (1987),
who noted that clients dually addicted to alcohol and/or drugs and gambling
were at a greater risk of suicide. He reported that 100% of chemically-dependant
pathological gamblers were diagnosed with major depression and of those,
42% had made a serious suicide attempt. This was five times the frequency
of the chemically-dependent group alone. The interaction of both alcohol
and/or drugs and problem gambling together with suicide has however not
been clearly investigated by other researchers, but these data suggest
that problem gambling, alcohol and other drug, and mental health services
all need to be aware and take special precautions when clients manifest
these combined factors. Blaszczynski and Farrell (1998) comment that given
these variables of major depression, alcohol and substance abuse, and
also marital dysfunction, which are considered risk factors for suicide
in both the general population and among psychiatric patients, it is surprising
that only a few studies have investigated risk factors associated with
suicide in populations of pathological gamblers.
It is important to consider that many of the client groups that have been
noted in problem gambling research as being most at risk are also the
groups that are identified as posing concerns in the suicide literature.
As stated earlier, those who have psychiatric diagnoses, which include
alcohol and other drug problems and pathological gambling behaviour, are
more at risk of suicide. Beautrais and her colleagues (1996) determined
in their study that the risk of a suicide attempt increased with increasing
psychiatric morbidity, and that subjects with two or more disorders had
odds of serious suicide attempts that were 89.7 times the odds of those
with no psychiatric disorder. Pathological gambling, a diagnosable psychiatric
disorder under DSM-IV in itself is often seen with other psychiatric disorders,
notably depression and substance misuse. This indicates, therefore, that
this is a group of clients who are significantly at risk, and clinicians
need to treat them accordingly.
Youth are another at-risk group. Research suggests that gambling problems
are much higher amongst youth. The Australian Productivity Commission
(1999) identified that those under age 25 were about twice as likely to
have a gambling problem as those over age 25, and a meta-analysis undertaken
by Shaffer and Hall (1996) confirmed that between 4-8% of youth have serious
gambling problems, with another 10-15% remaining at risk of developing
a serious gambling problem. Although the most recent New Zealand suicide
statistics indicate a drop in the youth suicide rate (Ministry of Health,
2003a), as stated earlier this nation ranks second in the world figures
in terms of the male youth suicide rate, and youth have the highest hospitalisation
rates for intentional self-harm.
Maori also are over-represented in both problem gambling and suicide
statistics. More than a quarter of problem gambling clients attending
counselling services are Maori, compared with national representation
of only 10.9% in the population 18 years and over (Paton-Simpson et al,
2003). As previously stated, the suicide rate for Maori has not decreased
and remains at an over-represented 18% (Ministry of Health, 2003a).
The need to intervene in respect of suicidality and problem gambling will
be necessary for a range of services. However, because of the high numbers
of clients who will be presenting to problem gambling services with co-existing
depression and alcohol/drug issues, this is perhaps the ideal service
for demonstrating best practice in this area. It is important to remember
also that these high correlations do not relate just to those who have
family/whanau members or a significant other with a gambling problem.
In the first instance, all clients who present to problem gambling services,
including family/whanau, need to be screened for depression and suicidality.
As with problem gambling, suicidal thought or intention is not observable,
and often clients will perceive their thoughts of suicide as a further
inability to cope and will therefore be reluctant to disclose them. Education
as part of the assessment is an important process, with information routinely
being offered to clients about how often suicide may be perceived by clients
as a solution to their difficulties. Once clients have been reassured
about the normalcy of their reasoning processes, it is important to ask
a direct question regarding their thoughts or plans regarding suicide.
This needs to be incorporated, either directly by the worker, or as part
of the screening procedure that the agency may undertake.
Alcohol and other drug services are also likely to have many problem
gamblers within their services, clearly indicated by the correlations
presented above. A challenge in identifying the presence of problem gambling,
however, is that research indicates some difficulties when gambling screens
and brief interventions are used by services specialising in alcohol land
other drug misuse (Sullivan & Penfold, 2000). In a trial examining
obstacles to incorporating screening for problem gambling in an alcohol
and drug treatment setting, Shepherd (1996) identified several factors
- Lack of awareness of the prevalence of gambling addiction among substance
abusing populations.
- Some saw it as legitimate that lower socio-economic populations often
seen at Alcohol and Drug Clinics should try to solve financial problems
through their gambling.
- Preconceived attitudes around their ability to identify problem gambling
without screening (ie that it would be obvious).
- Gambling addiction may be seen by clinicians as less life-threatening
than substance abuse and de-prioritised.
This trial was repeated in New Zealand in 2000 (Sullivan & Penfold,
2000, August) using the Early Intervention Gambling Health, or Eight Screen
(Sullivan, 1999) in two alcohol and other drug services, with the surprising
results that the same obstacles were identified. This highlights the importance
of education for workers in alcohol and other drug services, as well as
additional services likely to see higher numbers of those with gambling
problems (eg mental health services). Education needs to concentrate on
the risks for dually-affected clients, the prevalence of gambling problems
and the difficulty of detecting them.
While it is essential for questions regarding suicidality to be incorporated
into an assessment, it is also important that this issue continues to
be raised throughout contact with the client. Pathological gambling is
described as a persistent and recurrent disorder (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994), and as such, while clients can feel pleased with their
progress, tolerance for slips can be low, particularly given the amount
of financial damage that can occur in a short period of time, and suicidal
thoughts can often re-occur at these moments. Blaszczynsky and Farrell
(1998) suggest that an awareness of risk factors in general, and those
specific to gamblers, is essential if reasonable standards of care in
client management are to be achieved.
John (a pseudonym) had been attending counselling for approximately ten
months, roughly every fortnight. He had been aware of his gambling problem
for over ten years. It had contributed to the break-up of his last marriage,
and although he was in his late 50s with a steady job, it had left him
in a situation where he was living from one pay cheque to the next. John
had attended counselling on and off at different services over many years,
but always dropped out of contact when he began gambling again, feeling
that he had disappointed the service or the counsellor. The crises that
had precipitated his latest presentation to counselling services ten months
earlier had been the suicide of his older brother, who had also maintained
a gambling problem. Although John had gambled on a few occasions over
the previous ten-month period, he had broken his previous pattern by agreeing
to make it a priority to come back to counselling if he gambled. He had
managed this successfully and learnt a lot about himself and his relationships
with other people in the process.
At this particular appointment John turned up, but withdrew into his
chair in the way that was typical for him when he had gambled. He acknowledged
he had gambled since the last session, but talking about this did not
appear to provide any relief in the way that it had usually done. In talking
through what John had done and how he had coped since last gambling, his
avoidance of the subject alerted the therapist to the need to ask again
whether John had considered suicide as a way of managing since the last
episode of gambling. Asking John appeared to energise him. He stated that
even raising the subject was ridiculous, but then went on to talk about
the fact that he had been very aware over the last week of the impending
anniversary of his brother's suicide, and the rest of the session was
spent discussing this further.
At the following session, a week later, John walked into the counselling
room, sat down, and said "how did you know?". He was referring
to the question from the previous session regarding whether he had considered
suicide, and was able to acknowledge that he had in fact been planning
to kill himself. The combination of feeling hopeless that he had gambled
again, the approaching anniversary of this brother's suicide, and feelings
of envy toward his brother who no longer had to cope with feelings about
gambling, had made suicide seem a reasonable option to John. Acknowledging
this secret had made a difference to him, along with talking about it,
which made him feel as though there were other options.
The example of John's situation highlights the importance of asking and
continuing to ask about suicidal thoughts, even in longer-term relationships
with clients. The nature of gambling problems, and the way they are able
to be kept private much more than many other addictions, fits very well
with the often secret nature of suicidal thoughts. In addition, the financial
implications of a gambling problem can often mean long-term solutions
are required in order to balance things in finances, in relationships,
and perhaps in work, and suicide can sometimes seem like a more immediate,
less painful solution. This is particularly so because of the shame attached
to both gambling problems and suicidal thoughts, with both being difficult
to voice.
It has been found that 57% of psychiatrists and 49% of psychologists reported
post-traumatic symptoms similar to those of people who had experienced
the death of a parent, when a client or patient had killed themselves
while under their care (Chemtob et al, 1988). Despite the high reported
association between problem gambling and suicidality, the numbers of suicides
completed while clients are in contract with problem-gambling services
are fortunately not high. Because it is an unusual event, however, there
is often consequently a feeling of shame and a reluctance to talk about
the experience. Counsellors may experience similar feelings to their clients,
along the lines of: "why me, no one else can understand what this
is like, what will other people think, where did I go wrong?". In
addition, it can be difficult to acknowledge and express grief when the
relationship is not necessarily viewed by other people as a close one
warranting a grief reaction. S_derlund (1999), outlined a number of other
factors that are likely to increase the emotional impact on the therapist,
such as:
- Pre-existing stress in the counsellor due to a high work load.
- The depth of attachment between counsellor and client, rather than
the length of acquaintance.
- The counsellor's ignorance about the professional ramifications of
the death.
- The availability and use of supports by the counsellor.
- Whether the counsellor was working alone with the client or as part
of a team.
There may also be a number of practical considerations to attend to,
which places further focus on the suicide and the counsellor whose client
has died. If an investigation takes place as a result of the suicide there
may be police involvement, and it will be necessary to ensure that all
notes and documentation are up to date and available. Thee may be other
decisions to make, such as whether to attend the funeral and whether to
contract the family. For all these reasons it is important that colleagues,
supervisors and managers offer support in the event of a client's suicide,
and that the counsellors themselves take responsibility for talking about
the experience and their feelings, in the way that they would encourage
their clients to do.
There is strong research evidence that highlights a close relationship
between problem gambling and suicide. For counsellors in the problem gambling
field this is a clear indication that questions regarding suicidality
need to be incorporated in every assessment. In addition, it is important
to keep the issue raised as counselling progresses and circumstances change.
For counsellors in other services, such as mental health and alcohol
and other drugs, it is also an important issue. As has been demonstrated,
the co-existence of an alcohol problem with problem gambling behaviour
raises the risk of suicide significantly, and suggests that problem gambling
should be routinely screened for by these services along with an assessment
regarding the risk of suicide. It also raises the need for further research
in this area, in particular what part gambling may play in the suicide
and intentional self-harm statistics.
Finally, although fortunately the experience of clients completing suicide
is not common, it is important that this remains a topic of conversation
within services. The possibility is always present, and it is essential
that supportive processes are developed and instituted when they are required. |